How to Patina like a PRO

Have you always wanted to try to patina something but don't know where to start?


Have you TRIED to patina something and you became frustrated, or turned off, because you didn't know what you were doing?


Have you TRIED patina and got a really great look in that ONE spot but don't know how you got it?

I'm with you!

I have gone through each of these stages so I completely get it. With testing and messing up (A LOT), I have developed this class to walk you through PATINA from start to finish. From personally experiencing the above challenges, I created this class to help alleviate those frustrations and get you moving in the right direction.

This class will help take that stress and anxiety away of trying patina to the point of wanting to patina EVERYTHING! haha. All kidding aside, you will gain the know how and have the tools to create purposeful finishes KNOWING what is taught in this step by step video class on patina. It is a guide for you to have that shows which reactions you need to use to get the patina finishes you've been wanting to create.

You will FINALLY recreate fantastic patina rust finishes after watching this thorough video that will save you time and money.

Tara Rex

Your Instructor

Hey there, I'm Tara Rex. Yes, you're looking at real live T Rex!! I'm so glad to meet you. I designed 'How to Patina like a PRO' because I was struggling to figure it out too! Then when I did, I knew I HAD to share it with you!!

We go through Patina step by step from beginning to end. From prepping the piece to top coating and everything in between. I share tips and tricks with you all along the way.

My goal is to make Patina painting EASY for you by breaking it down and showing you exactly how to get those real old world authentic patina finishes.

Look at some of the pieces you can create using Patina Paint!

Patina like a PRO

Patina can age a brand new decorative pieces to make them appear aged and beautiful.

Patina like a PRO

Patina can be used to embellish small and large furniture pieces. Imagine how you can change the look of existing pieces of furniture you have around your home!!

patina like a pro

Patina the generic non-descript outdoor and indoor pots and so much more. No need to go to the pottery studio or spend $$$ on fancy pots, you can make your own in the comfort of your own home.

Welcome to How to Patina like a PRO, an ultimate course for jumping into patina painting and learning how to create impressive, attention-grabbing works of art!

paint supplies

List of supplies PDF

A downloadable PDF just for you! If you’ve ever been unsure what the right supplies are, this clickable list has you covered. Written step by step instruction is also provided.

Comprehensive Video Instruction

You will have your very own instructional class on how to patina. You will be shown time saving SECRET RECIPE tips and tricks on achieving the patina looks you've always wanted!

patina painting


We had an art instruction tonight with the talented Mrs. Tara. Such a great time and in the presence of such a gifted teacher! Can’t recommend her enough!! Kelly L

Tara is an amazing teacher! Her LEARN HOW TO PATINA class is great! I was able to understand how the product works as well as how to get the look you want. I highly suggest everybody takes this class! Using the Patina line is already proving to be so much fun!! Christine M

Love her work as she is a great artist. Just started following her. She a little on the funky side. That is what I love about her. Diane B

I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed her art workshop. It was a great opportunity to get together outside of work and explore our painting talents. I’m sure that everyone that attended will agree that it was one of the most fun and relaxing activities we have had as a group. We were all so proud of our paintings. I personally would love to attend another session. Thank you for introducing us to something new and fun. Vicki M

 Frequently Asked Questions

Do you offer any refunds or guarantees?

Sure do! If you finish the course, implement the techniques and feel you haven’t improved, you can email me within 30 days of purchase for a full refund.

How long can I access the course for?

Forever! As long as Tara Rex Designs exists, this course will be available to watch. Take it at whatever pace you’d like, watch whenever, wherever and as many times as you’d like.

I’ve never tried patina painting. Is this for me?

Yes! The course was made with the beginner/intermediate painter in mind and those looking to pick up extra tips to improve their patina painting quickly. This is a step-by-step video that is perfect for anyone just getting started.

I’m an experienced patina painter. Would I still benefit?

I always enjoy the opportunity to learn new tips and tricks by watching the process of others. I’ve packed this course full of content from my personal experiences that I hope you’ll find useful!

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